Meet the Team 

This is the AWESOME Coming Out? team.  

Clara Fernández 

Co-Founder & CEO 

I am Clara, CEO of Coming Out?. 

Proudly bisexual. And a feminist, of course!

A cool, smart, intense and crazy engineer working on Digital (webs and apps) since… well, it looks like forever!!! 

Coming Out? is my dream, my hope to make this world a little bit better (or a lot better).

My deepest fear is to be “standard” and not live my life to the fullest, that is why I enjoy as much as I can everything and everyone.

Based in Barcelona, born in Buenos Aires and real child of the world, I travel as therapy. 

Ivo Mele

Co-Founder & CTO 

Hello, I'm Ivo, the only one in the team who can transform caffeine in software. 

Coming Out? is my baby and I want it to grow big like pride in our community! 

I'm a Developer by day and Dj by nights, almost like Batman. A passionate of informatic and computers, anything that can be plugged-in and produce sounds. Please don’t be mad if you catch a Bug in my code!

Mags Trimarchi 

Co-Founder & CMO

Ahá, yeap. Mags as in for Magdalena. 

I can’t stay still, but the cities which hosted me for long are Buenos Aires, New York and Barcelona.

I’m a creative who published several books, wrote both novels and scripts, directed shortfilms, a podcast and created audiovisual content for start-ups, brands and institutions. 

My thrive in life is to connect with other minds by communicating in non-standard ways and that’s what I’m doing in Coming Out?: I’m a creative director in social media. Questioning structures and changing perspectives in artfull ways is my passion. 

Queerness and Feminism should rule the world for good.

See? Mags fits me.

Juli Valle

Content Creator

My name is Julieta. I am studying Communication in the University of Buenos Aires and I can’t be more grateful with this career that will give me the tools to expand my voice as a feminist, as an LGBTQ+ member, and, above all, as a sensitive person.

I think Coming Out?’s content as something for you to identify, not to feel alone, to confirm we are a community gaining each space together. 

However, I think I don’t know anything yet. I feel so young, I feel I am still discovering myself and I feel Coming Out? as my guide to keep growing up too. 

I really look forward to keeping encouraging people to freedom from here and to touch the sky hand in hand with Coming Out?. And it will happen, don’t miss it!


Yeah, this is the co-founders team in Barcelona 2023 Pride. It was lit 🔥 

This is us sharing Coming Out? stikers to everyone! We also did so many interviews and got to know so many amazing people and theirs stories. 

In 2023 we also went to London Pride and did the same! :)

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