@elliotpagesneakers came out as transgender in December 2020, while still filming the series "The Umbrella Academy".

"Showing this guy being comfortable and present in his body means a lot to me. I never thought I would feel this way because it all came so naturally." 

In addition, the actor stated that the recent publication of his autobiographical book “Page Boy” has allowed him to connect more deeply with himself and present his new projects with greater confidence.

The new film, “Close to you”, introduces us to Sam, a transgender man who returns to his hometown of Cobourg after several years of living in the crowded city of Toronto. Directed by Dominic Savage, it explores the complexities of family relationships and the challenges he faces during his visit, especially in terms of his transition. The plot functions as a parallel to Page's own experience, offering an intimate look at his personal journey as a transgender male.


According to a study published on October the 8th of 2022 by the LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall and Ipsos, reveals that 40% of Gen Z identify as queer. Likewise, 1% of the people who participated in the survey identified themselves as trans, non-binary or gender fluid. 14% bisexual or pansexual, 2% gay and 3% lesbian.

The future is queer and it's here!


Vietnam bans conversion therapy and recognizes that homosexuality IS NOT A DISEASE. It’s in capital letters, because despite the fact that it sounds ridiculous to us that this thought navigates among society, it is real and that is why, with each small step for the LGTBIQ+ community, humanity takes a big step forward.

Since July, the organization 'Human Rights Watch' confirmed that on August 3, the Vietnam Ministry of Health officially declared that homosexuality and being transgender are not mental health conditions and, therefore, doctors should not "interfere or force treatment" to reverse sexual orientation. YES! These considerations, arrived at by the WHO in 1990, ultimately align Vietnam's health policy with global health and human rights standards. Hooray Vietnam!

"The recognition by the Vietnam Ministry of Health that sexual orientation and gender identity are not diseases will be a reprieve for LGBTIQ+ people and their families across Vietnam," said Kyle Knight, senior researcher for health and rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from 'Human Rights Watch'.


Cheer-up, honey! Same-sex marriage was fully legalized throughout Mexico, after the last state, Tamaulipas, voted in favor of the law on Wednesday, October the 26th. Oh yeah! The LGBTQ+ organization Yaaj México Twitted the news and said: "With 23 votes in favor, two against and one abstention, equal marriage is approved in Tamaulipas, the last state to guarantee this right."

Although Mexico has a serious problem with violence against trans people, ranked as the second deadliest country in the world for trans people in 2019, the legalization of same-sex marriage is one of several steps towards LGBTQ+ equality in the country in recent years. Let's go for more conquered rights, Mexico!


At Coming out? we know that when minorities raise our voices together, we make a lot of noise and guess what? Yes, we are feminists. That's why we think it's important to give space to the collective that has historically fed back into our struggle for a long time, that's why today, we share with you a feminist victory.

We are talking about something that happened in Scotland in August 2022 and whose action is now beginning to be felt. No menstruating person has to pay for menstruation products - yes, you heard right! The first country in the world to declare free access to items like tampons and sanitary towels.

The "Menstruation Products Act" means that public councils and educational institutions must create methods to make all these products available free of charge. The idea is to eliminate the so-called "menstrual poverty", i.e. that all menstruating people can have access to feminine hygiene products regardless of their social and economic situation, thus eliminating any inequality. 

A good way to close the gap, isn't it?


Gay millennials around the world, REJOICE. As you may have heard over the past few days, member Velma Dinkley has been confirmed to identify as a lesbian in the latest Scooby-Doo movie.

We are in the middle of a paradigm shift and that is reflected in the film and cartoon industries. Don't you love to think of how many young mavericks of Gen Z and Alpha will be able to grow up with relatable characters on the big screen?


Sunday 25th of September of 2022, Cuba said “Sí” to modify their "Codigo de Familia" to include on it the marriage of people with same sex and the possibility for queer couples to adopt children and start a family. 

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, that promoted this changes, wrote on Twitter his happiness with the results: announcing that from that day foward, in Cuba “el amor es ley” ('love is law'). 

Our community suffered a lot on Cuba, but now we have the same rights as any straight couple. 

Conquering rights is our best revenge.


In July 2021, the Argentinean Congress passed Law 27636 on the Promotion of Access to Formal Employment for transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people, which guarantees a minimum of 1% of the administration's staff to transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people. 

Last month @mochacelis , @grupomuchnik and @labsunishine presented the initiative "Transformar la Mirada" which seeks to add transvestite, trans and non-binary (TTBN) talents to the labour market.

www.transformarlamirada.webflow.io is a communication initiative that aims to transform the professional perspective on transvestite, trans and non-binary people, making their talents visible, in order to achieve their incorporation into formal jobs.

Inclusion and diversity for the TTNB side of our community


Singapore will decriminalise sex between men but has no plans to change the legal definition of marriage between a man and a woman, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday. Well, we can say it's good, but not that good, there's still a lot to work on, but it's already a big step and that's to be celebrated 🥳. 

The city-state thus becomes the latest Asian country to move to end discrimination against members of the LGBTQ community. Under the current Section 377A of the Penal Code, a colonial-era law, men could face up to two years in jail for having homosexual relations.

Thankfully, this is over and although Singapore still has some room for improvement, this is a step forward - congratulations!

We should celebrate that lgtbqa+ rights are becoming more and more normalised because historically, we have been a very damaged collective. May they never take away a reason to celebrate us.


During the Equal Rights Coalition Conference celebrated in Argentina, la embajada de los países bajos presentó el Amsterdam Rainbow Dress, una obra de arte que expresa a través de sus 15 metros de largo, un reclamo político y social: Las banderas de todos los países donde ser de la comunidad LGTBIQ+, es ilegal bajo la pena de prisión, tortura, o muerte.

La elegida para llevar el vestido confeccionado y diseñado por @arnout_amsterdam, fue la Argentina Florencia de la V. 

‘El vestido es una declaración política porque están quienes se lo quieren quitar y quienes lo ven como un objeto de deseo y con el Amsterdam Rainbow Dress, queremos crear conciencia sobre los miembros de nuestra comunidad que corren peligro.’ Dijo el diseñador.

The intergovernmental Equal Rights Coalition ( ERC ) protects of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex ( LGBTI ) people.