We are the LGTBQAI+ App that will take you to the best bars, events, festivals and more worldwide.

Created by and for the Community, we want us to be safe, proud and loud no matter where we are!

What do we stand for?

We are loud, we are proud and we know what we like. 


Even though is 202X and LGTBQ+ community is raising their voice higher every day, we are still not welcomed or we do not feel 100% OK in every place we go. 

Coming out? was born out of a real need.

A place may claim to be LGBTQ+, but you can't know until you've done thorough research, been recommended by a friend, or gone to check it out yourself.

Coming out? is the app that encourage you to go out and eat the f*cking world, with the best tips from people that have already found the best LGBTQ+ corners! 

In Coming Out? we are committed to make this world a little bit better for all f us. 

We embrace diversity and encourage everyone to explore themselves and find what makes them happy.